Fond Memories

Created by Laura one year ago

Most of my fondest memories of Kerry were of the many Christmas Eves we spent together, at nan and grandad's.
Those were the best Christmases, nan's awesome buffet, lots of drink and merriment, and most importantly, all the people I loved in the same room to celebrate the holidays.

Despite living in a different county, Kerry made the time to come visit whenever she could.

As a child I'd love to hear stories about the three sisters getting into trouble as children, how they would keep nan and grandad on their toes.

As I got older, I loved hearing stories about Kerry's job in the Police and her fabulous holidays to exotic countries, especially Egypt.
I remember her and Ali having a passion for Egyptology, and their knowledge of all the Gods and the many temples in Egypt would fascinate me.

Kerry bought me my own toy Egyptian temple, which I would spend hours playing with, painting the little figures and pretending the boats were sailing down the Nile, avoiding the dangers of the ferocious Nile crocodiles.

I can still picture Kerry's collection of beautiful Egyptian jewellery, which she would loan to my mum. My mum would parade around wearing as much of it as possible at one time, resembling Mr T.

Kerry loved animals, it would always bring me joy hearing about the antics of her beautiful dogs and kitties, she loved seeing Luca and Tooey when she came to visit, though Luca wasn't too keen on meeting Dylan!

Although Kerry has passed on, I know she'll be together with her mum, dad, my mum and Big Auntie.

I'll always have my memories of her and she served as an inspiration. As a Police Officer facing danger, a fiercely intelligent woman, a caring person who loved animals and a hero who drove around in her 'Kerry's Truck', that made me smile as she always had a better car than my Dad!

I'll miss you, as I miss my departed loved ones everyday, but I know I'll always have you watching over me.

I'll keep you in my heart to remind me, that I'm not alone and you are all there to guide me.

Goodnight and Godbless, as nan would say.

Love your niece,

Laura xxx